Math, Science, and Faith...How Do They Work Together?
How science and faith work together is an important discussion point. Many people feel so strongly about these two individual subjects that they have a hard time finding balance or believing in both. But Albert Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." So do they work together or no? Let's see what we can find! CORE: Watch this short video about a scientist and cancer researcher, as well as this one highlighting a musician and physics-loving professor. Discuss the following questions with your family: Are science and faith independent of each other? Why is there so much contradiction between the two? With a parent's help or permission, search the following question, and then discuss it with the family: What is God's role in science? Read one or more of these articles by yourself, with your family, or ask a parent to explain them to you: Science and Our Search For Truth 3 Mormon Scientists Explain...